*Unclickable Header*
Hello Fellas ! halini nk buad tuto pasal Unclickable Header <3
oke.Let's do it :)
1. Dashboard -> Design -> Page Elements -> Click widget header korang.2. Upload header korang and tick pade Behind title and description dekat bawah Placement tuh.
Nnty korang nmpk name blog korang dkt header korang kan? Sokayy, follow this step pulak.
3. Dashboard ->Design -> Edit HTML -> Tick Expand Widget Templates4. CTRL+F and carik code ni : <Variable name="headerTextColor"5. Bile dah jumpe, tgk code full dy. Code full dy mcm ni kan :
<Variable name="headerTextColor" description="Page Header Text Color" type="color" default="#ffffff" value="#ffffff">
yg diwarnakan biru tuhh,tukrkn kpd perkataan transparent termasuk tnde # skli
preview then save !
Thanks for reading..Like+Comment anda amat dihargai.. :)
The Little Princess
Blog Name ; ✿I and You ✿
My name is Najibah.I'm the 0wner of this bl0g.Imma twelve years old girl.Proud to be Malaysian.Follow this bl0g if you like it.D0 not be a c0pycats !
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