FB Like Fanpage Macam Saya

Hello Fellas ~ tgk gmbr bwh ni.. bkn ATAS
nmpk x yg dlm kotak merah tu ? Tulah tutorial nak letak FB Fanpage Like Box dlm blog,
oke. cara2 nya-pergi dekat
lps tu,letak URL fanpage korunk dkt Facebook Page URL
Width - 200 (Recommended)
Height -100 (mengikut kesesuaian)
n then, untick Show Faces, Show Stream, Show Header
lps tu , tkn Get Code :> Iframe
Copy code n paste it into HTML/Javascript (Temp. Designer)
Paste into sidebar (Blogskin/Classic Temp.)
previe dulu,bru save..kalau xde Error,blh Save !
dah jd,komen lah sikit :)
Labels: Tutorials
Thanks for reading..Like+Comment anda amat dihargai.. :)
The Little Princess
Blog Name ; ✿I and You ✿
My name is Najibah.I'm the 0wner of this bl0g.Imma twelve years old girl.Proud to be Malaysian.Follow this bl0g if you like it.D0 not be a c0pycats !
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Hire Meh !
Cursor Bergambar - RM3
Cursor Tulisan - RM2
Header+Doodle - RM3
Header(Tulisan shja) -RM2
Animated banner - RM5
Animated Header - RM5
Banner Biasa+Doodle - RM5
Banner biasa-Doodle - RM2
Lain-2 ~ blh request
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Facebook yarw ?? not in shoutbox !
Pembayaran melalui Topup Celcom ..
FB Like Fanpage Macam Saya

Hello Fellas ~ tgk gmbr bwh ni.. bkn ATAS
nmpk x yg dlm kotak merah tu ? Tulah tutorial nak letak FB Fanpage Like Box dlm blog,
oke. cara2 nya-pergi dekat
lps tu,letak URL fanpage korunk dkt Facebook Page URL
Width - 200 (Recommended)
Height -100 (mengikut kesesuaian)
n then, untick Show Faces, Show Stream, Show Header
lps tu , tkn Get Code :> Iframe
Copy code n paste it into HTML/Javascript (Temp. Designer)
Paste into sidebar (Blogskin/Classic Temp.)
previe dulu,bru save..kalau xde Error,blh Save !
dah jd,komen lah sikit :)
Labels: Tutorials